Recently I trained a nurse practitioner to become I-ACT certified. During the in- person training, I noticed her color would start to fade as the end of the day approached. I asked if she was feeling ok and she said that it takes her about 5 days to recover her
energy after each training day with me. I was surprised to hear this knowing she was a nurse
working in the ICU of a local hospital.
I asked her, “how do you protect yourself energetically when working as a nurse in the
hospital?”. She replied, “No nurse is in contact with a client for 45 minutes straight like what you are doing here. But yes, it is a matter of developing a ‘thicker skin' to the task, and I’m noticing that being a colon hydrotherapist is putting me in much closer contact with clients than working as a nurse. I just didn’t expect to be this energetically drained from
this work. I thought having been in the healthcare field this would be an easy service to add into my personal practice, yet I’m realizing it is much more energetically taxing than I anticipated. It’s not just the close proximity to the client that’s draining, but I also feel energy coming out of the waste.”
I was aware of the energetic demands from my clients, but have never considered that there would be an energetic influence coming from the waste. I appreciated that we were having this conversation because the energetic demand of our job is not something talked about in our syllabus, yet it is, nonetheless, just as real a part of the job as the mechanics of giving a colonic session.